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A training organization or a consulting firm

Expand your Softskills and Hardskills training catalog with our innovative virtual reality modules

Digital innovation at the heart of vocational training

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The benefits of virtual reality

The demand for  formation  is changing. Statistics show that the budget allocated to professional training is decreasing. Companies seeking above all   efficiency and ROI. However, the ROI of face-to-face training only remains difficult to prove because it has been shown that de  70% of the information transmitted in traditional training is forgotten in less than 3 months.


Parallèlement l'intérêt grandit pour la  personnalisation  de la formation, la  digitalisation  mais également un type approach more  playful , less formal and shorter so as not to take up too much time.


With our  expertise in training around personal development , we develop training modules using virtual reality. Contact us to enrich your training catalog with real innovative digital programs in a virtual reality environment.

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