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Softskills when you hold us!

Writer's picture: 5Discovery5Discovery

3 years ago when I was talking about Softskills in my coaching, no one really understood this anglicism and its not very evocative translation of “soft skills”. Today, we talk about it so much that the term is becoming overused. What are Softskills and why are they so important? Softskills are the set of behavioral and human skills that allow both to feel good individually and to promote relationships with others. They are shaped through Personal Development and its methodologies such as Process Com to fully understand one's personality, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology, etc. Methodologies most often scientifically proven and allowing better management of changes, including in times of strong current turbulence.

The list of Softskills or social qualities is long but we can say that the base lies in Self-confidence or even Self-esteem (the nuance is important). Self-confidence is forged through life experiences where you get a tangible and concrete result that serves as a marker. The gaze of others turns out to be significant even if the internal feeling of personal worth prevails over everything. We strengthen our confidence by being exposed to situations (desired or not) that we experience successfully, hence the emergence of a personal pride of achievement in achieving the objective or the intermediate stages. Thus, training through experience proves to be a considerable help in stimulating Confidence, which is once again the foundation of softskills (without confidence, it is difficult to reach other levels). Speaking in front of an audience, Negotiating, Managing a conflict, Preparing for progress or job interviews are all situations that make us grow. We can clearly see here the interest of training as such (no, Softskills are not innate even if everyone has personal capital), and immersive training with Virtual Reality, in particular in the fact of replacing the learning in concrete situations; In Virtual Reality or VR, the learner really experiences situations and trains to manage them safely.

For the work of self-esteem too, Virtual Reality is also interesting. In an immersive space, we can take the place of another person, an “archetypal” avatar for example, Gandhi, Obama for example and express ourselves as if we were becoming this person and integrate some of their communication skills. . VR disinhibits, offering a protective framework to leave shyness or other brakes aside. We understand that we can go beyond our limits and gain Confidence. In some of our Personal Development modules, we also work on symbolism by taking the appearance of a tree, for example, to work on anchoring, stature, positioning, rooting to strengthen ourselves... VR offers wonderful ground where symbolism and learning efficiency come together to develop Softskills at the heart of personal and professional growth – Sofia Rufin, CEO 5Discovery

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